Top 5 Employee Safety Devices for Hospitality and Healthcare

Safety devices help employees in many different industries, from healthcare to hospitality. They can be as simple as a phone app or as high tech as a wearable panic button. They are an essential part of a company’s safety strategy and can save lives.

Hotel Panic Button: For Employees Who Work in Guest Rooms Without Another Employee Present

In many cities across the US, legislation is requiring hotels to provide their employees with personal emergency panic buttons when they work in guestrooms and bathrooms. This is a smart move that protects both guests and workers.

Some of these devices also have fall detection features, which is a great way to make sure that your staff are safe in their workplaces.

ESD Solutions for Hospitality

When selecting an employee safety device, it’s important to find one that offers the best value. This can include features such as real-time GPS tracking, easy to trigger SOS/duress alarms, automated check-ins and hazard reports, two-way communication, and more.

The right lone worker safety solution for your business can offer peace of mind for both your staff and your customers, as well as a reduction in liability. It can also improve your team’s productivity and create a positive culture of safety in your organization.

Garmin inReach satellite communicator devices: Designed for employees who work alone, these satellite communications systems enable you to send SOS/duress alerts, check-in, trigger duress events and share hazard reports. They feature GPS location tracking, two-way messaging and a long-life battery.

SHEQSY: A Leading Lone Worker Safety Solution for Your Organization

Whether your lone workers are working on the front line, in a back office or in an isolated area, lone worker safety is important for their safety and security. SHEQSY is the leading lone worker safety solution that protects employees in real time and provides managers with a centralized dashboard for monitoring, managing, and reporting on their activities in realtime.

Its intuitive smartphone app (for iOS & Android) allows lone workers to trigger their duress, check-in periodically, complete safety forms and checklists, and more. Managers can monitor and report on lone workers’ activities from the SHEQSY dashboard, run reports, send out emergency roll calls, and manage overtime and duress events in realtime.

The best lone worker safety devices are ones that use a self-healing network, which ensures that they will always be able to send alerts and check-ins even when there is no signal or WiFi coverage. This is particularly helpful for employees who are working in remote areas or in locations where there’s no mobile phone service.

These devices are a great addition to the existing tools that help your employees stay safe in the workplace, such as personal alarms and first aid kits. They can also provide a sense of accountability to your team and give them an added incentive to be responsible for their own health and safety.

Providing your hotel staff with the necessary tools to keep them safe and healthy is an investment that will pay dividends in the long term, not only in terms of keeping your guests safe but also in the bottom line. It’s an expense that hotel owners can’t afford to overlook.